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We all love our pets, but sometimes

we do not enjoy how they act.

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How are your dog’s manners & social skills?

Develop and strengthen the canine-human relationship through understanding, knowledge, and empathy.


Enhance the dog's partnership within the family unit through positive reinforcement behavior modification models.


Develop the manners and social skills of the Companion Dog - for the benefit of both dog and owner.
Fayetteville, Arkansas

Melissa McMath MS, CBCC-KA, CDBC Certified Canine Behavior Consultant

Melissa Hatfield photo with canine




Photo by Deborah Billingsly

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Melissa McMath Hatfield, M.S., CB- CC-KA, CDBC, Certified Canine Behavior Consultant, earned a master's in counseling psychology and is a retired licensed psychological examiner. Her mission is to enhance the human-dog relationship through understanding, knowledge, and empathy. Melissa has been an Association of Proffessional Dog Trainers conference speaker and her articles are featured often in APDT's Chronicle of the Dog. Those articles have received numerous nominations in the Dog Writers Association of America's writing competition. She is the 2022 recipient of the Maxwell Medallion for her contributions of articles in the category of "Behavior and Training".Currently, she has a private behavior consulting practice where her main focus is performing temperament as- sessments and behavior evaluations of dogs who are exhibiting mental health issues.

Read Award Winning Article: Displacement Behaviors

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